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artig Art Price 2020
Participation & Exhibition Terms and Conditions
for the award of the
artig Art Prize 2020 (2.500 €) and the
artig Special Prize 2020 (1.500 €, plus an invitation to a free of charge solo exhibition in 2021 for each prize winner)
on April 24, 2020
for the exhibition of the finalists artworks in the Kunstreich Gallery Kempten from Friday, April 24 through Sunday, May 24, 2020
for the award of the artig Audience Prize (1.000 €, donated from the Clemens Härle Brewery) on May 24, 2020
UPDATE: Registration deadline, payment deadline and announcement of the nominated works have been postponed by 7 days.
A. Participation Process
Phase 1: participation in the artig Art Prize requires the submission of photographs of one or two art objects via online form or by postal mail. From these submissions, the jury („photo jury“) selects the pieces of art that are nominated for the Art Prize and that participate in the Art Prize exhibition.
Phase 2: upon delivery of the nominated pieces, a jury selects two artworks that will be awarded with the two Art Prizes at the opening of the exhibition on April 24, 2020.
During the exhibition from Friday, April 24 through Sunday, May 24, 2020, exhibition visitors can cast ballots for the Audience Prize. On the last day of the exhibition, the ballots will be counted and the winner who has received the most votes, will be announced.
B. Basic Information
Registration deadline / submission photo jury: | until Saturday, March 14, 2020, 12 a.m. midnight |
Announcement of finalists / accepted artworks: | Sunday, March 22, 2020 (online) |
Delivery accepted artworks: | Monday, March 30 and Saturday, April 4, 2020, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. each |
Prize award and vernissage: | Friday, April 24, 2020, 8 p.m. |
Art exhibition: | Friday, April 24 until Sunday, May 24, 2020 |
Audience prize: | Sunday, May 24, 2020 (counting of the ballots 3.30 p.m., announcement 5 p.m.) |
Collection of artworks after the exhibition: | Sunday, May 24, 5.30 p.m. – 8 p.m. and Monday, May 25, 2020 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. |
Restrictions, Prizes, Fees, Insurance:
Visual artists: | no limitations / all artists regardless of age and origin |
Artworks: | max. 2 original works, not older than the artist, maximum size of each artwork 2.2 x 3.5 m (H x W) |
Subject, style, shape or age: | free / no constraints |
3 prizes: | artig Art Prize, endowed with 2.500 Euro, and artig Special Prize, endowed with 1.500 Euro, plus one invitation for each prize winner to a free of charge solo exhibition in 2019 and an Audience Prize donated by the Clemens Härle Brewery endowed with 1.000 Euro |
Costs: | 25 Euro registration and handling fees, 15 % commission for artwork sale |
Insurance: | the exhibited artworks are insured with an exhibition insurance and the exhibition organizer has a liability insurance. |
C. General Conditions
1. Organizer
The exhibition is organized by artig e.V. (registered non-profit association), Schützenstraße 7, 87435 Kempten (Allgäu), register court: District Court Kempten, VR 200407, Vat.Nr. 127 / 107 / 10579, represented by President Stephan A. Schmidt and Vice President Susanne Praetorius.
2. Time and Place of the Exhibition
The exhibition takes place under the artistic direction of the artig board of directors from Friday, April 24 through Sunday, May 24 2020 in the organizer’s Kunstreich Gallery, Schützenstraße 7, 87435 Kempten.
Public vernissage / opening and prize ceremony on Friday, April 24 2020 at 8 p.m. The prize winners are informed by phone or by e-mail ahead of time and will be invited to attend the prize ceremony.
Opening times of the gallery are Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The opening times are supervised by the organizer’s personnel. The visit of the exhibition is free of charge. For group tours, additional times can be arranged.
3. Admission
All artists from around the world can participate in the submission of artworks. Underage artists need to obtain written parental consent for their participation.
Not entitled to participate are ordinary members of artig e.V. and their first-degree relatives nor members of the jury.
Admitted are one to two original works of art from the areas of painting, graphic art, drawing, sculpture, plastic art, photography, video, installation, environment, action art and performance that were created by the submitter (single artist or artist group). Due to technical reasons, artworks (also multiple-part) that exceed a height of 2.2 or a width of 3.5 meters cannot be accepted.
Ineligible Exhibits
There are no restrictions with respect to the artistic expression. However, in order not to compromise the validity of the exhibition, the following will not be exhibited:
- Forged artworks
- Extensively restored or damaged artworks
- Unlimited and unnumbered multiples and multiples with an edition of more than 100 copies
- Artworks not manufactured by the artist including artworks that were mainly manufactured by third parties (exception: designated collaborative works)
- Artworks for which the exhibitor does not possess the co-copyright or the right of use
- Displays contradicting the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany beyond the freedom of art in words and images that is guaranteed under the Constitution (in case of doubt, the organizer will consult with the artist.)
Artworks for Public Space
Submitting artists also have the opportunity to present their artworks outside the gallery in public space. Such artworks
- may also have dimensions exceeding the measurements specified under Admission,
- must be explicitly labelled for this purpose in the (online) form during submission (check appropriate box),
- cannot be insured but must be exhibited at the artists’ own risk in a public, unroofed and unsupervised space. (Owing to several inquiries: artworks that were not explicitly released by the artist for an exhibition in public space will only be exhibited IN the gallery.)
4. Application (per Photographs)
Applications are submitted by entering one to two works in digital form via the organizer’s website at www.artig.st/kunstpreis-2020-teilnahmeformular by filling in the fields and by uploading the artwork photograph(s) as JPG file(s). This image file should have at least 2 MP (=megapixel, e.g. 2,000 x 1,000 pixel), should not be smaller than 300 KB and should not exceed 5 MB.
The file names of the artwork photographs may contain no blank spaces, umlauts and special characters with the exception of dashes, minus „-“ signs and underscores „_“ , because otherwise data transfer and file storage cannot be guaranteed.
Alternatively, the artwork photographs (at least DIN A5, maximally DIN A4) can also be delivered by mail to artig e.V., Schützenstraße 7, D 87435 Kempten. In this case, the artist must enclose the full information about artwork and person in the submission & entry form („Einreichungs- / Teilnahmeformular“ – see last page of the PDF Terms & Conditions / Ausschreibungs- & Ausstellungsbedingungen).
VIDEO ART: video artists should please submit the form below with a still/screenshot of their video instead of the artwork photograph and e-mail us a link to their video e.g. on YouTube/Vimeo. Alternatively, you can also send us a CD/DVD with your video by post.
CONCEPTUAL & PERFORMANCE ART: for open-end concepts or interactive projects please upload an exposé or similar as pdf file in the form instead an artwork photograph. The artists must ensure that this type of art either runs and functions during the entire duration of the exhibition or is ultimately documentable or displayable.
Registration deadline for the submission to the photo jury is Saturday, March 14, 2020 at midnight 12.00 a.m.
5. Entry Fee
Every submitter must pay an entry and handling fee of 25 Euro including VAT independently of the number of submitted artworks (max. 2). This fee is always due in full and will not be refunded. The fee can be either transferred to the organizer’s bank account, can be enclosed in cash in the submission letter or can be paid in cash against receipt in the gallery. The bank account is:
artig e.V., Sparkasse Allgäu
BLZ 733 500 00 – Konto 514 412 089
IBAN: DE08733500000514412089
For non-EU citizens and/or artists not residing in the €uro zone we recommend paying the fee via PayPal to:
PayPal account / address: info@artig.st
Please include „Art Prize 2020“ and the artist’s first and last name in the transfer reference.
The fee must have been deposited in the organizer’s account within two weeks after registration, but the latest on Monday, March 16, 2020 at midnight 12.00 a.m. If the payment is not deposited on time, the registration will not be considered; delayed payments will be refunded.
6. Jury Decision & Prizes
The jury is comprised of members from artig e.V.; the organizer may appoint additional persons.
a) Photo Jury
From the artworks that were submitted online or by mail, the jury selects those artworks until Sunday, March 22, 2020, that will be nominated for the Art Prize and that will be presented in the exhibition. All nominated artists and the accepted artworks will be announced on the website www.artig.st on Sunday, March 22, 2020. Artworks that are not listed there have not been accepted.
Artists with accepted artworks will also be notified by e-mail.
b) Prize Jury
From the accepted artworks that are delivered on Monday, March 30 and Saturday, April 4, 2020 (see also item 8.), the jury will select one artwork for the artig Art Prize 2020, endowed with 2,500 Euro, and one artwork for the Special Prize, endowed with 1.500 Euro. The prize money is either paid in cash against receipt or is transferred.
Free Solo Exhibition
With the award of the Art Prize and the Special Prize, the organizer also offers a free of charge solo exhibition in the Kunstreich Gallery in Kempten either in 2021 or in 2022; i.e. the exhibitor will not be invoiced for rent, advertising expenses or other costs that will arise the organizer from the exhibition.
Additionally, the organizer will also bear strictly necessary costs for delivery and return of the artworks, for the costs for one overnight stay on occasion of assembly and disassembly and for material costs that arise specifically for this exhibition up to a total of 500 Euro (including VAT, against presentation of a bookable invoice or receipt). Hotel and transportation should only be reserved after having consulted the organizer.
Jury Decision
The sole and exclusive criterion for the selection by the jury is the artistic performance of the art work itself. To this end, the organizer will anonymize the delivered artworks as much as possible before they are presented to the jury.
Artists have no right to appeal the jury decision. The jury members will not justify why artworks were not selected for exhibition or were not awarded a prize. Moreover, the jury members are bound to absolute secrecy.
Every participant acknowledges the jury decision and these exhibition conditions.
c) Audience Prize
The organizer offers exhibition visitors the opportunity to cast ballots for an Audience Prize that is endowed with 1.000 Euro and donated by the Clemens Härle Brewery. The artist whose artwork receives the most ballots will get the Audience Prize. The ballots for the Audience Prize are counted at the end of the exhibition on May 24, 2020 at 3.30 p.m. The Audience Prize will be announced and awarded on occasion of a small finissage at 5 p.m.
7. Delivery and Labelling of Artworks
On Monday, March 30 and Saturday, April 4 2020, from 5 to 8 p.m. the accepted artworks must be delivered in person or by mail / parcel service / shipping company at the artist’s own expense and own risk to the Kunstreich Gallery, Schützenstraße 7, 87435 Kempten. Late delivered artworks will not be considered by the jury.
A completely filled delivery form (with detailed information about the artwork) must be firmly attached to every artwork, a second, separate copy of the form must be submitted at delivery; the submitter will receive a confirmation receipt. The needed forms can be downloaded from the organizer’s website upon announcement of the accepted artworks.
A short biography detailing the artistic career (max. 1 DIN A4 page) should also be enclosed.
Packaging materials used for the shipping of the artworks, such as boxes, blankets and protective liners must be collected after delivery, since these materials cannot be stored in the gallery.
Hanging of Artworks
All accepted artworks remain the organizer’s property from the time of delivery until the end of the exhibition. The artworks are hung by a hanging commission that is determined by the organizer. The hanging is done in camera and without participation of the artists who have delivered the artworks.
8. Retrieval of Artworks at the End of the Exhibition
Exhibited artworks may be collected at the end of the exhibition on Sunday, May 24, 2020 from 5.30 to 8 p.m. and on Monday, May 25, 2020 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the artists’ own expense and own risk. The organizer’s liability excludes the retrieval of the artworks.
IMPORTANT: although artworks can be delivered to the gallery by mail, parcel service or shipping company, they CAN NOT be packaged and returned by the organizer at the end of the exhibition due to personnel and insurance reasons and/or with respect to liability. The artworks must therefore always be collected by the artists and/or authorized representatives at the specified times!
The specified collection times must be strictly observed, since “remaining“ artworks cannot be stored and would immensely interfere with the operation of the gallery. Moreover, the physical integrity of “remaining” artworks would be endangered through refurbishing works and the artworks are no longer insured after May 25, 2020, 8 p.m.! This means that the organizer cannot be held responsible for artworks that are not collected in time; for liability reasons “remaining” artworks including hanging and setting devices will become the organizer’s property. Alternatively, the organizer reserves the right to dispose of such “remaining” artworks.
Additionally, the organizer will charge administrative costs of 10 Euro per day for an unclaimed artwork. If the artwork has not been retrieved after 7 days, the organizer will decide at his own discretion about the fate of the artwork.
The conditions specified in the previous paragraph are not applicable in case of force majeure.
D. Exhibition Terms
1. Retention of Artworks
After the jury has accepted an artwork for the exhibition, it can no longer be withdrawn from the artist until the end of the exhibition. Artworks that are sold during the exhibition must stay in the exhibition until its end (May 24, 2020, 5.30 p.m.).
2. Artwork Condition and Furnishing
All artworks must be delivered with fully completed hanging forms attached.
Artworks must be dry and fully equipped for hanging. Multi-piece artworks must be delivered as units with respect to hanging. Otherwise, the hanging commission is not obliged to hang them. Liability cannot be assumed especially for delicate mixed media artworks, e.g. that are not stably glued or that can only be moved at the risk of being damaged; the organizer reserves the right to subsequently reject any such artworks.
Paintings must be equipped with stable hanging devices; canvas frames must have eyelets/hooks for hanging. Artworks without hanging devices will not be accepted and can subsequently be rejected by the hanging commission.
Sculptures/plastics or objects that cannot be directly placed on the floor must be delivered with the needed bases or pedestals.
Appliances needed for the playback of videos – plus comprehensible instructions for non-technical personnel as to how the appliance or installation can be put in and out of service – must also be provided by the artist.
Any and all liability is denied for glass damage and damage to artworks (especially for frameless picture holders) through glass fragments.
In exceptional cases and in case of legal uncertainties or doubts, the hanging commission reserves the right to reject artworks.
3. Prices
Prices for artworks for submission must be indicated as gross prices including applicable VAT and including frames. Prices cannot be changed after submission until the end of the exhibition.
4. Sale of Artworks and Commission
Every exhibitor declares his consent and tacitly issues the order that his artworks which were accepted to the exhibition can be sold to interested parties for the indicated price. The organizer is entitled to pass on the telephone number or e-mail address of the relevant artist to visitors who are interested in purchasing the artworks.
Artworks sales must be subsequently arranged between artist and buyer. The artist is responsible for delivery and/or shipping of sold artworks to the buyer at his own account and risk. For sold artworks, the organizer receives a commission of 15% of the selling price (for artists subject to VAT 15% of the net selling price plus 7% value added tax). The commission must be paid from the seller to the organizer (against invoice or receipt).
Artworks explicitly labelled unsaleable are exempt. This must be indicated on the submission form.
For insurance purposes, the value of unsaleable artworks must always be indicated.
5. Image Rights / Catalogue
The organizer shall be entitled to photograph artworks that were accepted to the exhibition and to publish and reproduce these photographs free of charge in an online and a printed exhibition catalogue (ca. 30 x 30 cm, compare catalogue from 2018 → catalogue from 2016 → and catalogue from 2014 →) and for press/ public relations.
Any mode of copying, reproduction and processing of photographs from exhibited artworks for different purposes and through unauthorized third parties is not permissible without the express permission of the artist.
Moreover, it is not permissible for exhibition visitors to take professional pictures of artworks, i.e. with high resolution digital reflex cameras/DSLR cameras and tripod; this does not include, however, photography with smartphones/ cell phones for private use.
The catalogue is published on the day of the vernissage. Every participating artist receives two catalogues free of charge.
6. Delivery and Handover
For the delivery / shipping and retrieval of the artworks, the conditions and terms as specified under item C.7 an C.8 apply. We explicitly point out again that the artist agrees to observe the stated dates. In the event of non-compliance with the stated dates, the artist shall bear the administrative costs as specified in item C.8.
7. Artwork Insurance
The artworks accepted for exhibition are insured for the duration of the exhibition according to the general terms of exhibition insurances. Furthermore, the organizer has a liability insurance.
8. Court of Jurisdiction
Court of jurisdiction for all obligations with respect to the art exhibition and the sale of exhibited artworks is the town of Kempten (Allgäu). The legal relationship between artist and organizer shall be governed by the laws of the German Federal Republic.
E. Data protection / use of your personal data
By participating in the artig 2020 Art Prize, the artist consents to the storage of the data which is required for this and which he transmitted by a form.
artig e.V. assures to protect this data in accordance with data protection regulations, not to make it accessible to third parties and not to use it for purposes other than the artig art award. Exceptions to this are, in the event of acceptance by the jury, the first and last name as well as the place of residence of the artist (only city without street); artig e.V. may only use this data in connection with the artig art award on its website, in the exhibition catalog and in press releases.
With his participation, the artist also agrees that artig e.V. can use his e-mail address and telephone number (if specified) in order to be able to communicate with him in matters of the artig art award.
F. Final Clause
With the entry of the registration and the submission of artwork photographs, the notifying party agrees without reservation to all preceding exhibition conditions and terms.
And: We wish all participants good luck and much delight, positive experiences, inspiration, fortification in their “business” and good acquaintances among loyal colleagues.
Kempten in November 2019,
for the board of directors of artig e.V.
Stephan A. Schmidt Susanne Praetorius
President Vice President
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